Wednesday, May 17, 2006

what does one wear to play by the creek?

uh.. aPPARently, high heels and and alligator visor..
not sure HOW he is managing to walk in those things... Posted by Picasa

who DRESSES this child...

uh oh... one minute he was headed for the creek in this get up... high heel shoes and alligator visors for summer? of COURSE! only in the idaho panhandle... *L*

bastian doesnt feel well... been up all nite with a horrible cough... Posted by Picasa

oh man

poor baby... he feels like crap.... guess he has what i had all weekend...
bad bad cough... and no energy left! Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 05, 2006

showin his dimples?

nope.. its just my darlin honeymoon trying to snap a picture of me on his cell phone while we were at the mexican food resturaunt the other day...

what? what do you MEAN tortilla chips are not LOW CARB??

OOOPS! my bad.... Posted by Picasa


so... my sister asked me if the rash i had was BIRD FLU....
i cellphoned her THIS picture and said...

our bird.. candy corn.. but I call him..her.. IT, i call the cockateil QUEEN LATIFA... Posted by Picasa

no.. it aint KANSAS...

shot i took out my car window the other day while waiting for daughters 1&2 to get out of the store...

wild... Posted by Picasa

saturday the park....

it wasnt the fourth of july... Posted by Picasa

check out that HAIR!!

sebastian having fun on the swing with his bro pushin him ... Posted by Picasa

does life GET any sweeter than this?

sebastian gettin a push on the swing from dider.. Posted by Picasa


HOW do you get ON this thing??
bruds.. hangin out at the park... Posted by Picasa

at it again

the human whirlwind pushing his bro on the merry-go-round at the park... Posted by Picasa

i just turned TEN...

and i am too cool for you to even look at .... Posted by Picasa

sebastian headed for the creek drop off..

yeah... out the door and headed for danger... the human whirlwind strikes again... Posted by Picasa