not sure WHAT is goin on here.. but apparently PETIE is rolling the BOULDER out of the middle of our driveway... sebastian is going to HELP or get killed in the process... and moon is watching it all from the middle of the ROAD on his fourwheeler...
drag the boulder with the fourwheeler... till it EVENTUALLY falls in the creek... hmmmm but its ATTACHED to the cable... so wont the husband and the kiddo BOTH fall INTO the creek when the boulder goes in?
although i am not at ALL sure i like the looks of what they are doing... baby driving, moon stuggling with something... on the road.... oblivious to BOTH what the baby is doing AND whether any cars are coming...*ack!*
the boy has the helm on the four wheeler... lets see... what is WRONG with this picture? uh... besides the fact that the child can run moon OVER while he ends up in the creek ATTACHED to the boulder... greaaaaaaaaaaat...just great...
what is the child DOING?? i see moon has something goin on in the FRONT of the fourwheeler... but they are on the ROAD! WHY IS SEBASTIAN DRIVING?? ack!
i dunno what bastian is LOOKING at... but with papa in FRONT of the four wheeler..its not a good thing.. um.. yes.. that IS my home in the right side of the pic...
sure looks nasty here... its much greener now than it looks... but spring definitely has NOT sprung... boulder goin down into the creek? i dunno..seems to have hit a BUMP in the ROAD *L*..