Thursday, March 30, 2006

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh MANNNNNNNNN

yuck! poor sebastian.... he didnt get a black eye from the bout with the slide... but the glass top table got his TOE somethin FIERCE...
nasty! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

ahhhhhhhhh this is the life..

laid back chillin with the latest LEGO magazine... Posted by Picasa

uh.. sebastian...

where ya goin? the playground is THIS wa!! Posted by Picasa

uh gram..

this is the BABY swing... Posted by Picasa


high up! Posted by Picasa

great shot of the lake...

but sebastian is oblivious to it...
what IS this wierd ride? looks like a chipmonk... Posted by Picasa

human and running

i think i spie something ELSE to play on Posted by Picasa


got this thing FLYIN now! Posted by Picasa

looks easy enough

how tough could it be? Posted by Picasa

uh oh..

you better hang ON sebastian! Posted by Picasa


these things can be ALMOST as bad as a mechanical bull! Posted by Picasa


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uh oh..

this doesnt look good... (not the scenery! the scenery is great..) the MANNER in which the child is taking the SLIDE doesnt look good... Posted by Picasa

if this doesnt break your heart...

poor baby... hit his face on the slide... Posted by Picasa

oh man!

looks just like GRAMs eye did when she hit it on the car door... and for a WEEK now its been a black eye...
yikes..:( Posted by Picasa

quite the tragic figure

heading to the car... too hurt to play anymore.. Posted by Picasa


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okay... im fine grammy!

*whew*... that was close! i thought he REALLY wanted to go home... but after thinkin about it... he was all smiles again, and ready to go back and play..
but i bet he has a blackeye like his gram tomorrow.. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006

a HA!

caught in the act.... over there... on the top left corner... sebastian aggravating CANDY CORN (cockateil) while i am not paying attention.. Posted by Picasa

off to his dads for spring break

at least I got a smile outta him before he left,,, or i would have had to grab him and DROVE him there! Posted by Picasa

the other day in arizona

SNOW! and LOTS of it!
my brotherinlaws home in northern arizona..
and YOU thought it was all DESERT!! not! Posted by Picasa

wow! who knew!

i had no idea they got this much snow! Posted by Picasa


off the back deck at bro in laws home in arizona Posted by Picasa