Monday, February 27, 2006

rain comin down...

this is the view out my kitchen window...kinda scary .. i heard a big CLUNK (highly descriptive word) and looked out to see the beginnings of a little mudslide...
yeah..its just a few feet from my HOUSE! Posted by Picasa

yeah.. i know...

kinda scary lookin... mudslide!! SMALL, but yet... kinda creeps me out... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 25, 2006


gonna be fun to see him on the olympics show sunday nite...
here he is givin ME a cheesy smile with moon standing next to him... has his signature hat on...
they did a nice piece on him i saw on the black history show last week... Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

WILD thang

ahhhhhhh and yall think he is just sweet and cute ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO he IS a wild thing! Posted by Picasa


ITS ALIVE!!! Posted by Picasa


they REALLY need to rinse these cups better around here.... Posted by Picasa


playing with his food.. uh...his drink... Posted by Picasa

check out these CHEEKS!

love this child...

uh.. SOAP in my MILK? Posted by Picasa

when ya live in hicksville...

ya gotta get your kicks where ya can..
sebastian yesterday diggin his bubbly milk Posted by Picasa


sebastian yesterday at the cafe.... blowin bubbles in his milk... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006


not a new pic... been several years... but i love this shot of partrisha in juneau alaska when we went there....
its the way i want to remember her,,, Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


i kinda THOUGHT so! Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

SNOW again..:(

man... will spring EVER get here? ..
uh.. and yes.. that IS a stair stepper out there behind my car... doesnt EVERYone have one outside? Posted by Picasa


my good friend KELLY sent me this , she had it made for me in japan... where she is... sooooooo far far away...
it means LOVE..
and THAT says what i feel about it.
i LOVE it!
THANK YOU KELLY!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006


my blue-eyed cutie eating a LOW CARB (read:bunless) cheeseburger ... at carls jr...
where I got one . but it came with LETTUCE around it.. and a nice neat little wrapper..
sebastian here? he justs pulls the bun off and tosses it! (i swear i never taught him that) Posted by Picasa


so... whats wrong with this picture? wellllllllll for ONE thing, its US coming HOME from going to TOWN ... fifty miles up... fifty miles BACK... and while the OTHERside of the road looks clear... OUT side of the road looks.. uh... not so much! Posted by Picasa

okay... so the milks not low carb...

but the bunless cheeseburger (although looks nasty this way) is!
sebastian today at carls jr. chuggin his lunch so he can play on their playground... Posted by Picasa

my house this afternoon..

welll, technically around 11 am.. but as you can see... the snow is comin down..
here is moon grabbin the most IMPORTANT thing for a trip... the DEVILBREW!! Posted by Picasa

my view out the car window

going down our road this afternoon... heading to TOWN ... uh... i think i coulda picked a better day...
like YESTERDAY when it was sunny and blue skies maybe? Posted by Picasa


our road, to the highway. wasnt all that great....
no walking today for ME! Posted by Picasa

i wasnt driving...

but this is MY view from the passengers seat on the way to TOWN (not town) today... and yes, that IS ice and snow on the road... and NO , you CANT see where the lanes are, or markings... Posted by Picasa


this is NUMERO uno why i fell in love with moon all those many years ago...
he walked with MY kiddos JUST like this, when i first met him....
uh... leaving ME behind...
WAIT! IT WAS a calgon moment... what happened? Posted by Picasa

there is a saying about NOT WAKING SLEEPING GIANTS

it goes DOUBLE for not waking up angelic kiddos... Posted by Picasa

HUGE flakes...

comin down in the shopko parking lot Posted by Picasa

and while he CAN be angelic...

this is more of the HEH HEH ... trouble on the WAY look *L*

sebastian pickin on me while in the car ... Posted by Picasa