Sunday, January 22, 2006

rin tin tin?

uh.. nope.. PETIE bolting home ...
my driveway a couple moments ago... Posted by Picasa

yep.... snowed AGAIN..

taken a couple moments ago...
dider and sebastian... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 21, 2006


:-( Posted by Picasa

the proximity to the house from the scary mountainside

pray for me.. Posted by Picasa

ack... the road is being eatin away!

from my walk down my road the other day..
scary creek rising baby...
its usually almost non existant... but the snow melt had it raging like mad.. Posted by Picasa

from my walk the other day..

raging creek .... i live up in that right top corner... Posted by Picasa


from a couple days ago.. Posted by Picasa

lest i forget...

amazing... this IS what i looked like before LCing...
okay.,.. nasty fried hair aside... is this BAAAAAAAAAAAD or whaaaaaaaaaaat?
i mean... honestly... check out the size... my shoulders were around my EARS forgawdsake...
ick... nasty skin... dark circles... totally unbeLIEVably resigned to lookin like this or WORSE ....
until i saw GEORGE STELLA on THE LOW CARB REVOLUTION two years ago, and started going to LOWCARBEATING.COM ....
yeah.. check out the difference..
no plastic surgury here kiddos... just WATER and LC eating for two years..
you can do it too... hurry.. go there... NOW! Posted by Picasa

after two years of LOW CARB

check out yall...
amazing stuff is happening there every day.. Posted by Picasa


who dresses this child? Posted by Picasa

ack... check out the HAIR..

taken a couple days ago... Posted by Picasa

cheesy shot of the day.. from a couple days ago..

i started a new blog because i couldnt get new pics to post on the old one... something wrong with the REPUBLISHING that i couldnt get them to fix for me... so a new beginning is in order..
after TWO YEARS done and in the books of lowcarb eating... i suppose it IS time for a new beginning.. Posted by Picasa

water... water ... water...

thats all there is to it... really.. Posted by Picasa